Monday 16 May 2016

Happy Monday All...Sunshine & Support

It's pretty hard to beat a beautiful day - the sun in the sky and, even more importantly, the time to enjoy it! It's been a Happy Monday for lots of reasons... playing in the garden with my Bean, watching her climb up the ladder to the slide (without any help from me - clever girl!), our new outdoor furniture arrived *yea!*, coffee & goss with my gorgeous next door neighbour. Just a perfect way to start the week. 

Today has also been significant because a truly beautiful friend has been brave and voiced her worries. This is no mean feat...I'm so proud of her for saying "I'm not ok" and now we, her friends & family, can put our arms around her and do whatever she needs to get back on track. It's what she would do for us & has done for us in the past. Friends come into your life for a season, a reason or a lifetime and I know that she will be by my side for life. She is kind, selfless and wonderful. As mums and women we rarely ask for help but we all need it from time to time. Admitting it is hard but it is the first step to moving forward. 

Happy Monday All! 

Bibi xx

Please follow my blog here on Blogger or on Twitter @BibiMac3 

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